Co-Mission CPT Term 3 (2.0)

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Not Enrolled
Get Started

Co-Mission Church Planting Training is biblically grounded, highly practical training on church planting specifics for those considering planting, those in the planning stages and those in the first 3 years post-launch. Open to lead planters/revitalisers and to their co-workers, whether or not they are part of the Co-Mission network. 

Hybrid Format

We’re grateful to be meeting physically in Vauxhall thanks to London City Mission and Hope Church Vauxhall for hosting us. There is also capacity for planters to join us via Zoom and be fully engaged in the discussions.

The basic components are:

  • Exposition – hearing God’s Word as planters
  • Equipping – training in leadership and planting skills
  • Experience – learning from church plants, planting proposals and ministry leaders

If you’d like to have a chat to find out more or if you’d like to come along to a taster session please get in touch.
