Union MTh Support

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Union School of Theology offers a fantastic Master in Theology programme – deep dive, Christ-centred, pastoral, reformed theological study designed to produce the wise and thoughtful leaders that churches (not least church plants) desperately need. 

At the LCPA Learning Community we are running the new
Intensive Mode MTh:

 * 6 modules spread over 3 years (plus dissertation)
Teaching condensed into 2 x intensive weeks per year
* Additional reading and 2 x assignments per year
* Manageable, accessible, accredited theological studies

For condensed course information see the Materials tab above or for full details visit the Union MTh page.

Before enrolling here on the LCPA platform for Union MTh Support, it is important that you first apply to join the Union MTh programme direct with UST using the button above. Once you been accepted onto the MTh and have paid Union direct for the course, you will be enrolled onto this platform for additional resources and information about the intensive weeks.



What is Union all about?

  • Union’s vision is to grow leaders for growing churches, to see churches flourish in the gospel
    and drive forward in mission. They are strong partners in the work of church planting and
    have already invested very considerable spiritual and financial resources into training up and
    sending out church planters.
  • Union’s theological DNA is strongly reformed, joyfully Trinitarian and Christ-exalting. They
    seek to raise well-rounded leaders: humble leaders of head and heart who delight in God,
    grow in Christ, serve the church and bless the world.

A couple of short videos to give you a flavour:

What is distinctive about the Union Master in Theology?

  • Advanced theological education in biblical studies, theology and ministerial practice.
  • Intensive, flexible and broad.
  • Equips students to deal critically and creatively with complex issues of theology and ministry
    practice; analysis of data; formulating and communicating arguments; drawing implications for church and life.
  • Accredited by the Open University as a recognised UK Masters degree.

What modules will we study?

  • Biblical theology (Cor Bennema)
  • The Doctrine of Scripture (Bob Letham)
  • The Spiritual Formation of the Leader (Mike Reeves)
  • Research methods
  • History & Theology of Evangelicalism (Richard Turnball)
  • Contemporary Church Issues in Evangelicalism (John Stevens)
  • Dissertation (15,000 words)

Course format

Admission criteria

  • 2.2 bachelor’s degree in theology or a similar discipline or passed Union GDip.
  • Or recognition of prior learning, samples, reading, and a test assignment
  • If English is not your first language then IELTS level 6.5 (very competent).


  • £1810 per year for 4 years
  • By request payments can be split across the year with installments due in September, January and April