Co-Mission Planting 2020-21 (Term 1)

Current Status
Not Enrolled
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This course has already started. Details of Term 2 are now available.


Due to Covid-19 restrictions, Term 1 (Sept-Dec 2020) will be online:
9, 16, 30 September
7 , 21 October
4, 25 November
2, 16 December
This will be supplemented by regional clusters meeting physically:
23 September
14 October
11 November
9 December

The online format will be:

  • 9.30-10.00 exposition (Word)
  • 10.00-10.30 leadership toolkit (Wisdom)
  • 10.30-11.00 break/chat
  • 11.00-12.00 coaching on a ministry area (Workshop)

For more information on the course please see the course materials (tab above).
We would also warmly recommend signing up for the City to City Incubator course which works well alongside the Co-Mission Planting Training. The two courses have been designed to complement one another and take place on one day per fortnight – Co-Mission training in the morning and Incubator in the early afternoon. There is a reduced price for taking both courses in parallel.