We need more gospel lighthouses

There are a millions of Londoners in the dark with no church on their horizon holding up the light of the gospel and behaving as a community in such a way that adorns and magnifies that light.

“the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth”
1 Timothy 3:15

We need more church planters:
willing, well equipped, well supported, encouraged and emboldened in Christ

Co-Mission is not the only church planting network. Many are working hard to reach the city. But we’d love to do our part. Training is a important part of our commitment to plant healthy evangelistic churches. It’s mainly for those planting with Co-Mission but it is open to those from other networks.

The Training Menu


Church Planting 101

Church Planting Foundations


Co-Mission CPT Term 2 (2.0)

Biblical, highly practical, road-tested urban planting specifics for lead and co-planters.


Support Raising 101

How to get started in developing partnerships and raising support for church planter training

Latest blog posts

Future London

Ian Goldin & Tom Lee-Devlin, Age of the City: Why Our Future Will Be Won Or Lost Together, Bloomsbury, 2023.  This is not a review

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